

“Los cachorros” es un relato altamente innovador desde el punto de vista narrativo ya que introduce elementos inesperados, en los cuales es virtualmente imposible definir quién es el narrador.


Sin embargo, esta dificultad técnica es menor, y al lector le resulta prácticamente irrelevante. Ello se debe a que el mérito más grande del relato es el de ser testimonio de una época y de las personas que se formaron en ella.


A través de este texto, Vargas Llosa logra crear un retrato convincente de toda una generación de peruanos nacidos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Los diversos cambios en los intereses de los niños que dejan de serlo y se transforman en adolescentes y posteriormente entran en la adultez, constituyen un testimonio documental de excepcional importancia para comprender la evolución histórica y social no solo de Perú, sino de toda la América Latina. Esto se debe a las similares condiciones de vida –y, por lo tanto de intereses- de todos los pueblos que conforman el subcontinente.



  • Auger, Peter (2010) The Anthem dictionary of literary terms and theory. New York. Anthem Press.
  • Bal, Mieke (2007) Narratology. Toronto. The University of Toronto Press
  • Baldick, Chris (2009) The Oxford dictionary of literary terms. Oxford. Oxford University Press
  • Bravo, Víctor (2007) El señor de los tristes y otros ensayos. Caracas. Monte Ávila.
  • Vargas Llosa, Mario (1996). Los jefes / Los cachorros. Seix Barral. Barcelona.
  • Genette, Gérard (1988) Narrative discourse revisited. Cornell University Press. Ithaca, New York.
  • Greimas, A. J. (1983) La semiótica del texto. Barcelona. Paidós
  • Greimas, A.J. and Joseph Courtés (1979) Sémiotique. Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences du langage. Hachette. Paris
  • Lotman (1993) Cultura y explosión. Barcelona. Gedisa
  • O’Neill, Patrick (1996) Fictions of discourse. Toronto. The University of Toronto Press.
  • Prince, Gerald (2003) A dictionary of narratology. University of Nebraska Press. Lincoln
  • Rimmon-Kennan, Shlomith (2001) Narrative fiction. Contemporary poetics. Routledge. London









We can conclude that “Los cachorros” is, from the narrative point of view, a highly innovative story, for it introduces unattended recounting procedures, in which determining who is the narrator becomes impossible. If Vargas Llosa did not create a brand new narrator type, at least he expanded traditional storytelling techniques and has taken them into unexplored territories. However, this technical difficulty is rather minor, and it is almost irrelevant for the reader, who thinks of it as a challenge rather than as an impenetrability.


This happens because the biggest triumph “Los cachorros” achieves is not a collection of syntactic pirouettes, but being a testimony of its epoch and of the people who grew up then. Through this text, Vargas Llosa is able to portray convincingly an entire generation of Peruvian youngsters who were born during the second half of the XX century. The diverse changes in the interests of the children who stop being such, later become teenagers and eventually enter adulthood, constitute a vivid documentary. It is exceptionally meaningful in order to understand the historical and social evolution of Peru and of Latin America as a whole: this is due to the most similar lifestyles and interests of the peoples who form the subcontinent.




  • Auger, Peter (2010) The Anthem dictionary of literary terms and theory. New York. Anthem Press.
  • Bal, Mieke (2007) Narratology. Toronto. The University of Toronto Press
  • Baldick, Chris (2009) The Oxford dictionary of literary terms. Oxford. Oxford University Press
  • Bravo, Víctor (2007) El señor de los tristes y otros ensayos. Caracas. Monte Ávila.
  • Vargas Llosa, Mario (1996). Los jefes / Los cachorros. Seix Barral. Barcelona.
  • Genette, Gérard (1988) Narrative discourse revisited. Cornell University Press. Ithaca, New York.
  • Greimas, A. J. (1983) La semiótica del texto. Barcelona. Paidós
  • Greimas, A.J. and Joseph Courtés (1979) Sémiotique. Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences du langage. Hachette. Paris
  • Lotman (1993) Cultura y explosión. Barcelona. Gedisa
  • O’Neill, Patrick (1996) Fictions of discourse. Toronto. The University of Toronto Press.
  • Prince, Gerald (2003) A dictionary of narratology. University of Nebraska Press. Lincoln
  • Rimmon-Kennan, Shlomith (2001) Narrative fiction. Contemporary poetics. Routledge. London

[1] En algunos países de Latinoamérica, ésta es una forma vulgar de aludir al pene.